彭静仪,李宜航,李正弈棋,邹望远.三叉神经痛动物模型的研究进展[J].中南大学学报(医学版), 2024, 49(1): 47-53.
PENG Jingyi, LI Yihang, LI Zhengyiqi, ZOU Wangyuan. Progress in study on animal models of trigeminal neuralgia[J]. Journal of Central South University. Medical Science, 2024, 49(1): 47-53.

三叉神经痛(trigeminal neuralgia,TN)是一种口面部神经病理性疼痛,被称为“天下第一痛”,特点是反复发作、骤发、骤停,呈电击样痛或刺痛。TN可由面部或口内的非伤害性刺激诱发,包括日常生活中的说话、洗脸、咀嚼、刷牙等动作,这严重降低了TN患者的生活质量。TN的发病机制尚未完全阐明,目前认为TN的发生与发展可能与三叉神经根进入区的微血管压迫有关。此外,周围神经的损伤也可能引起口面部三叉神经分布区域内的神经病理性疼痛。基于目前有关TN潜在病因的假说,已有多种模拟TN发病特点的动物模型,包括三叉神经根或三叉神经节慢性压迫模型、周围神经慢性损伤疼痛模型、外周炎性痛模型、中枢致痛模型等。然而,国内外尚未能建立一种公认的能完全模拟TN发病过程的动物模型。选择合适的动物模型对于TN的研究具有重要意义,因此有必要对TN动物模型在动物品系、材料与操作方法、效果观察等方面的特点进行探讨,以提供TN动物模型研究进展的相关信息。未来有待开发更符合人类TN特点的动物模型,以期助力TN的基础及转化医学研究。Trigeminal neuralgia is a manifestation of orofacial neuropathic pain disorder, always deemed to be an insurmountable peak in the field of pain research and treatment. The pain is recurrent, abrupt in onset and termination similar to an electric shock or described as shooting. A poor quality of life has been attributed to trigeminal neuralgia, as the paroxysms of pain may be triggered by innocuous stimuli on the face or inside the oral cavity, such as talking, washing face, chewing and brushing teeth in daily life. The pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia has not been fully elucidated, although the microvascular compression in the trigeminal root entry zone is generally considered to be nvolved in the emergence and progression of the pain disorder. In addition, orofacial neuropathic pain restricted to one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve might be secondary to peripheral nerve injury. Based on current hypotheses regarding the potential causes, a variety of animal models have been designed to simulate the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia, including models of compression applied to the trigeminal nerve root or trigeminal ganglion, chronic peripheral nerve injury, peripheral inflammatory pain and center-induced pain. However, it has not yet been possible to determine which model can be perfectly employed to explain the mechanisms. The selection of appropriate animal models is of great significance for the study of trigeminal neuralgia. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the characteristics of the animal models in terms of animal strains, materials, operation methods and behavior observation, in order to gain insight into the research progress in animal models of trigeminal neuralgia. In the future, animal models that closely resemble the features of human trigeminal neuralgia pathogenesis need to be developed, with the aim of making valuable contributions to the relevant basic and translational medical research.
三叉神经痛;神经病理性疼痛;动物模型trigeminal neuralgia; neuropathic pain; animal models